. NScache .

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About :

NScache is simple program for viewing and managing contents of Netscape(tm) browsers cache directory. This program is distributed under terms of GPL.

NScache was tested only with 4.0, 4.5 and 4.72 version of Netscape Communicator. (version 4 and 5 of cache index database format). I am not sure if it will work well other versions. Also I don't know If I implemented well, reading of cache index database, bacause I don't find any documentation for it.

Announcements :

Mon 15.01.2001
NScache-0.6 was released. This version contains mostly bug fixes and added two new message catalogs.
Fri 11.01.2001
New Turkish message catalog by Serdar Balkan available from Internationalization section of this page.
Thu 29.12.2000
Updated French message catalog by Pascal Audoux. Added new Spanish message catalog by Lucas Di Pentima. You can download new message catalogs from Internationalization section of this page.
Thu 20.12.1000
NScache-0.5 was released. New features in this version are: seraching dialog for searching in cached files, alowed multiple viewers for one MIME type, implemented reordering of columns in both views, it is possible now to specify wildcard patterns for MIME type in viewers assignment and there is also several default viewers assigned.
Thu 04.10.2000
NScache-0.4 was released. Very important on this releas is that Harald Förster provided me with patches to get NScache working on big endian platforms. Othere interestad change is automatic adding of NScache icon to GNOME panel menu. This version is able to work also without GUI and is able to list cahce directory contents to terminal. Special thanks for this release belongs to Harald Förster for his patch and to Francesco Lamonica for updating quickly Italian message catalog.
Wed 28.09.2000
Updated french mesages catalog. Thanks to Pascal Audoux. You can download it from Internationalization section below.
Tue 28.03.2000
NScache-0.3 was released. There is new posibility to raw sorted list of documents located in cache proposed by Shugo Inoue. Thanks to all who helped to make this new release. Also I am currently moving this page to Source Forge , so in few minutes it will be also accessible from nscache.sourceforge.net.
Thu 03.02.2000
New Japanese traslation by Shugo Inoue available.
Thu 27.01.2000
New French (by Pascal Audoux) and Brasilian Portuguese (by Roberto A. F. Almeida) traslations available.
Fri 21.01.2000
Nscache-0.2pl2 released. Some UI enhancements and minor bug fixes. Also added GNU getopt_long implentation to be able to compile it on sytems without this function inside libc.
Wed 27.10.1999
Nscache-0.2pl1 released. Fixed some minor bugs and added few new features.
Wed 27.10.1999
NScache-0.2 released. Several nice new features added.
Wed 20.10.1999
Fixed german and updated italian message catalogs. Updated versions you can download from this page below.
Tue 19.10.1999
NScache version 0.1pl1 was released. This version fixes segfault when user doesn't have styles defined in gtkrc file. Contains also ne German and Italian message catalog.
Mon 11.10.1999
First public release of NScache.

Requirements :

  • GTK+-1.2.0 or higher
  • Berkeley DB library with hash database support
  • optionaly also libintl library from GNU gettext package (or libc with gettext support - glibc2 or Solaris libc) for internalionalization of NScache messages

Changes :

version 0.1 (Oct 11 1999)
* first public release

version 0.1pl1 (Oct 18 1999)
* fixed segfault which ocurs when user doesn't have asigned default style
  in any gtkrc file (thank to all who reported this bug and thank to 
  Stefan Siegels patch)
* new posibility to change permisions of cache files (thank to Jan Van 
  Buggenhout idea)
* new German message catalog by Stefan Siegel
* new Italian message catalog by Francesco Lamonica
* fixed destroing of main window

version 0.2 (Oct 27 1999)
* viewing of documents from cache implemented
* viewing of original URLs implemented
* copying of URL to clipboard implemented
* new separete entry info window (propsed by Stefan Siegel)
* Save As dialog now have filled filename with assumed name
* commandline handled with getopt()
* configuration via ~/.nscacherc file
* file wiever can be launched on doubleclick

version 0.2pl1 (Dec 08 1999)
* loading of ~/.netscape/cache/index.db as default cache database (proposed
  by Francesco Lamonica)
* optional converting of cache filenames to lowercase (proposed by Stefan 
* fixed bug in cache file remove code
* probably fixed portability to big endian systems (not tested yet)
* fixed some memory leaks
* applyed patch from Stefan Siegel , which modifies Browse dialog, not to 
  accept directories

version 0.2pl2 (Jan 21 2000)
* make more user friendly UI (proposed and designed by Stefan Siegel)
* context sensitive read-only / read-write menu entries (proposed by
  Stefan Siegel)
* added GNU getopt() implementation sources for system where this is
  not available in standard libc
* fixed bug in Viewers setup dialog
* added icons from GNOME stock to buttons

version 0.3 (Mar 28 2000)
* implemneted new sorted preview
* added French message catalog by Pascal Audoux
* added Brasil Portuguese message catalog by Roberto A . F . Almeida
* added Japanese message catalog by Shugo Inoue
* changed layout of source distribution
* changed Makefiles to use automake adventages
* added posibility to store menu shortcuts into rc file
* added posibility to configure for previewing only preffered columns 
  in tree/list view
* added posibility to store infos about configuration in .nscacherc file

version 0.4 (Oct 05 2000)
* make automatic saving of configuration to ~/.nscacherc file
* changed tree/list columns from autoresizable to user resizable
* implemeted storing of set column widths to rc file
* misc session data are now stored in rc file
* fixed portability to big endian platforms (now well tested) (thanks to
  Harald Förster)
* corrected menu shortcuts preserving code to be more reliable
* added icon & GNOME panel menu entry
* added new options to be able to list cache content to stdout without
  starting GUI (-l / -m / -s), so now can be nscache used from scripts
* fixed compilation of getopt.c file on systems without getopt_long()
* enabled compilation with gtk+-1.3 (aka 2.0)
* updated Italian message catalog (thanks to Francesco Lamonica)

version 0.5 (Dec 20 2000)
* applied patch from Harald Förster which fixes a lot of bugs (Thanks !)
* fixed bug which causes to favour settings from ~/.nscacherc before 
  commandline options settings
* added default viewers for several MIME types:  text/plain text/html
  image/gif image/jpeg image/png
* new search dialog to search in cache files (thanks to Harald Förster)
* implemented reordering of columns in tree and list view (thanks to Peter
* now is preserved selected sort column in sorted view
* it is possible to have assigned multiple viewers to one MIME type,
  and also it is possible to use wildcard patterns to specify MIME type
  for viewer
* added buttons for mass expansion/collapsion of tree view
* fixed initialization of gettext to proerly find message catalogs in
  instalation directory (thanks to Harald Förster)
* fixed initialization of gdk locales
* better checking of Berkeley DB in configure script, to prevent use of
  versions above 1.8x

version 0.6 (Jan 15 2001)
* updated French massage catalog (thanks to Pascal Adoux)
* fixed memory leak in accelerators saving code
* added checking of BerekeleyDB in libc
* added new Spanish message catalog by Lucas Di Pentima
* fixed some uninternationalized strings to message catalof (thanks to Lucas
  Di Pentima)
* added icons for mime types to views
* fixed segfault which occurs always when using broken regular expressions
  (thanks to Harald Förster)
* added new Turkish message catalog by Serdar Balkan
* fixed segfault after using of options unknow to nscache (thanks to Harald
* added missing gdk options to table of known options
* fixed update of menu after changing of viewers (thanks to Harald Förster)
* updated German message catalog (thanks to Harald Förster)


Internationalization :

NScache supports internationalization of messages via GNU gettext library. If you have installed libintl on your system or your libc support gettext, configure script automagicaly detects it and enables it.

Available message catalogs

Language Encoding Download Author Status
Slovak iso-8859-2 po   mo Stefan Ondrejicka all translated
German iso-8859-1 po   mo Stefan Siegel
Harald Förster
all translated
Italian iso-8859-1 po   mo Francesco Lamonica 18 untranslated
French iso-8859-1 po   mo Pascal Audoux all translated
Brasilian Portuguese iso-8859-1 po   mo Roberto A. F. Almeida 24 untranslated
Japanese euc-jp po   mo Shugo Inoue 22 untranslated
Spanish iso-8859-1 po   mo Lucas Di Pentima all translated
Turkish iso-8859-9 po   mo Serdar Balkan all translated

If you want to create message catalog for your native language, here is template of message catalog, which should you translate. After translation will be done please contact me and I will include it into source distribution.

Screenshot :

Documentation :

Download :

version 0.6

Last Update: Jan 15 16:00:00 MET 2001